lördag, oktober 15, 2005

Bill Hicks: More than just a comedian

(1961 - 1994)

Bill Hicks is without a doubt among the greatest stand-up comedians. There's basically nothing "light" in his material. He was first a social critic, leaning towards the left in the political spectrum, constantly attacking what he referred to as a totalitarian government. I wonder what would he say about Bush Jr. For Bill, George Bush Sr. was "the child of Satan, sent here to destroy planet Earth". He had no mercy on the fundamentalist christians either, nor to people working on the advertising industry, among many others.

"By the way, if there’s anyone here in Marketing or Advertising, kill yourself. There’s no joke coming. Seriously, kill yourself. There’s no rationalization for what you do, you are Satan’s little helpers". from the "Revelations" show.

I could just keep quoting Bill, since there's a lot of really profound stuff in his act. If you people out there have a hard time finding the videos, here's a website with the transcript from "Revelations". http://www.gavinsblog.com/revelations.htm May not be as funny as seeing it, but still it'll make an entertaining reading.


Blogger apócrifo said...

Let me watch this video you sent and we'll talk...

In the mean time, maybe I'll kill myself since I'm studying advertising and working in marketing... hahaha


Blogger Ms_J said...

Om du gillar honom..
Har du sett/hört Eddie Izzard?
Jag rekomenderar Glorious.


Blogger J.S. said...

Det är lite svårt att få tag på Izzards videor. Har sett "Dressed to kill" och "Definite Article". Ska se om det går att tanka ner Glorious från nätet.


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