fredag, juli 29, 2005

Att rinna ut i sanden

Det finns inget mer att skapa, inget mer att tänka, inget mer att säga. Det är kört. Game over.
Någon annan har gjort det bättre än du redan för länge sedan.

Det är hopplöst. Det enda du kommer nog att inse är att alla bemödanden var förgäves. Sluta anstränga dig, för det är inte värt ett skit. Du kommer aldrig att skapa något nytt.
Någon annan har gjort det bättre än du redan för länge sedan.

Du tror dig vara unik. Stackars liten! Så naiv! Så ynklig! Du är ju som alla andra, bara en futtig del av de grundlurade massorna. Var så god och försök komma på något unikt och värdefullt!
Någon annan har gjort det bättre än du redan för länge sedan.

torsdag, juli 28, 2005

Äntligen! At last! Por fin!

The computer is back after three weeks. The insurance covered the costs of changing the combo drive (DVD-CDrw) so at least that worked. What came as a suprise was the bureaucratic way "ELGiganten" (the store where I bought the laptop) handles the service.

Normally it would take about 20 minutes to change the DVD-ROM, a few more minutes to check it up and then you're done. But apparently is not that simple, since the work report was in danish. They have to send the computer to a service centre in Tåstrup, DENMARK! (ca. 250 kms from here) for such a simple repair. Talk about being impractical!

Aaaaaaaanyway... I've been busy burning CD's like crazy, since I was running out of space on the hard drive. All the Simpsons and Scrubs episodes from the last season, a few movies and a shitload of music. Now I can go back to watching TV shows, movies, documentaries, news, etc. without the irritating advertising.

fredag, juli 22, 2005

A veces es mejor no preguntar

En estos días mi vecino ha estado buscando una computadora lo suficientemente eficiente como para manejar software para música bastante pesado. Uno de los anuncios más llamativos que vimos en un sitio en línea de anuncios clasificados y subastas fue el de una computadora con dos precesadores Xeon de 3 Ghz y varios discos duros, perfecta para producir música y básicamente correr cualquier aplicación, a un muy buen precio.

Entusiasmado mi vecino contactó al vendedor, quien de paso profundizó en las especificaciones de la máquina en cuestión. Incluso dentro del cómodo precio iba incluído el monitor LCD de 19". Nada mal, nada mal! Ya una vez con todos los detalles aclarados respecto a la computadora, mi vecino le preguntó por mera curiosidad por qué estaba vendiendo la computadora. Después de todo una máquina nueva con similares características puede costar hasta 3 veces más de lo que pedía este sujeto. Por supuesto ahora mi vecino se arrepiente de haber preguntado.

El vendedor no tuvo reparo en contar el porqué. Dijo que su adicción a internet y a la computadora simplemente le estaba arruinando la vida y que lo mejor era deshacerse de la computadora tan rápido como fuese posible. Hubiese sido pertinente dejar la aclaración ahí, sin embargo el caballero prosiguió contando con detalle buena parte de su desdicha. Al final, le dijo que si quería también se podía llevar gratis junto con la computadora la colección de 600 GB de pornografía! 600 GB! (sí, esa cifra me resultó espeluznante :S )

Si la compra se efectúa, probablemente el teclado y el mouse terminen en la basura. Creo que esos 600 GB explican buena parte de la arruinada vida del vendedor. Definitivamente a la próxima, mejor no preguntar.

tisdag, juli 19, 2005

No computer!

That's how it has been for the last two weeks, so I've been using the library computers instead, which is neither as funny nor as comfortable.

No computer for me means not so much music, no movies, no tv shows, not so much reading (thus no illegal downloading of movies, books, tv, etc. :( Also it means not so much writing (well, back to the good old paper for a while) no recording and no chat with my pals for a while... That's the drawback from being just too dependent on a laptop computer for all entertainment. If just one small thing fails (as in my case with the DVD-ROM) then you have to take the whole thing for service.

Hopefully I'll get my dear computer soon. Since the summer festival here in Kristianstad is over, then there's not so much to do.

tisdag, juli 05, 2005

På tal om inspiration

Inspirationen brukar komma när man är avväpnad. Man har tid för att sitta och skriva, men det blir ingenting. Man har papper och penna (eller datorn) tillgängliga, men inga värdefulla idéer infinner sig. Man går ut med kameran, men man "ser" inga intressanta bilder. Man sitter med gitarren hemma, men ingen musik kommer till huvudet.

Däremot kommer idéerna plötsligt när jag duschar. Det har jag märkt för länge sedan och det verkar inte finnas någonting att göra åt det. Många gånger har jag tagit papper och penna till badrummet med avsikt att passa på sådana inspirationsrika stunder, men då kommer inga idéer. De gömmer sig för de är kanske rädda för att bli skrivna. Samma sak gäller med kameran. Man ser så många underbara bilder när kameran sitter bekvämt hemma. Melodier och rytmer kommer plötsligt när man inte har någonting för att spela in dem.

Ibland försöker man komma ihåg alla dessa tankar, men det är otroligt lätt att glömma dem. Så småningom invaderas hjärnan av de vardagliga och meningslössa tankarna. Ibland minns man en liten del av en tanke, men det är inte detsamma. Det brukar bli något sämre än vad man hade hittat på tidigare.

Hoppas att muserna vill samarbeta med mig lite oftare, istället för att driva med mig som vanligt.

lördag, juli 02, 2005

The filesharing threat to the industry is BULLSHIT!

Yes, I've watched quite a few episodes of "Penn & Teller: Bullshit" so I felt a bit inspired to the rude title.

Downloading copyrighted material became officially illegal here in Sweden today. Yesterday it was illegal only to upload the material, but not downloading. So what does this new law is going to achieve? Nothing of course. Exactly how can this law be enforced when there are almost a million downloaders, most of them high school and college students ? The sole thought of sending a million people to jail or making each of them pay big money in fines is completely ridiculous. Just imagine how much would it cost to the state. Of course, the authorities have already said that they won't be focusing on those yougsters.

The big companies claim that they are loosing money because of file sharing. They even claim that they're cutting jobs. Despite that their movies have higher and higher budgets, and they can even afford to pay exaggerated salaries to their leading stars. Most of the time they get their investment back at the box office, if enough people think that the movie is good. Take for instance such blockbusters like The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Really expensive flicks, but people paid gladly because the movies were actually good. I can think of hundreds of thousands who saw the movies more than once at the movie theathre and bought the original DVD's and as much official merchandise they could put their hands on. The company got their money back and a little more, despite the fact that many decided to illegally download the movies. The bottom line is that those who REALLY like a movie are likely to spend their money watching it. That's what happens when the material has high artistic quality.

As with music, well it's pretty much the same. The music that is easier to find on the net is music from artists that are already selling good. In that sense filesharing has a similar function as the radio. The companies do not make money directly, but they get the possibility of catching the attention of potentiall customers, in other words, those who download the album and then go out and buy it (quite a LOT of people do this). On the contrary those who do not like what they hear are more likely to erase the mp3 files from their hard drives. A good album will always sell good.

When companies release shit that nobody likes (which they do quite often) that's when they'll loose money for shure. People will not pay to see a bad movie. They will not buy the DVD, and they will not even download it or watch it when it shows on TV. The same applies to records. People will not go to concerts if they do not like the music, and they won't download songs they do not like. Loosing money because of filesharing? BULLSHIT!

Do you want people buying your stuff? Sell it cheaper! Cheaper records, videos and movie tickets WILL GET YOU BIGGER AUDIENCES AND BIGGER SALES! Movies and music are culture, and culture should be really available to the public. Stop being so greedy!

As for the people who liked the stuff and downloaded it... Keep in mind that most of them are students with fragile economies, so that's a cheap way for them to taste culture. A lot of them WILL BUY the original stuff eventually, when they have the money to do it.